Benefits of Glasswool & Rockwool

Glasswool and rockwool make a significant

contribution to ensuring safe workplaces by


• Efficient thermal insulation, reducing energy

consumption, protecting personnel from hot

surfaces, and by reducing fluctuations of

temperature in buildings, creating a safer work

environment, whilst improving personal

comfort and efficiency.

• Excellent acoustic insulation, reducing noisepollution and providing a safer workplace

environment in areas where noise could cause

hearing damage, whilst improving personal

comfort and privacy in the work or home


• Firesafe - 4 zeros rating to AS1530.3. Rockwool

is incombustible and can be used as a fire

barrier in certain applications, protecting

personnel or the public in case of fire. Some

glasswool products may also pass this more

stringent AS1530.1 nonnon-combustibility test, but

petrochemical or paper based products fail.

• No absorbtion of moisture from the atmosphere

and a neutral pH, no risk of harmful chemicals

leaching from the product or corrosion.

• Light weight, easy to install and won't settle

over time.

• Proven long term insulation performance - and

the most cost effective.

• Safe use based on extensive medical research